Entries by Head Blazer

Coffee Stain Touchscreens?

It’s a touchscreen, a solar panel, a computer circuit, and soon, it could be used at home. Taking advantage of ink’s natural tendency to create “coffee rings,” a group of Israeli scientists has developed a type of ink jet dye that could one day create a range of power-hungry, and power-producing, devices at home. “Usually […]

Dynalifter – Airship or Airplane?

An aircraft that combines massive freight capacity, high efficiency and low cost is taking shape in a hangar outside Toledo, Ohio, and could be airborne next year.

Lightweight Paper Battery

Ordinary paper could one day be used as a lightweight battery to power the devices that are now enabling the printed word to be eclipsed by e-mail, e-books and online news.

Seeing Eye People

I remember reading science fiction as a child and marveling at the magic of the technology of the future. My visit to the New York Worlds Fair in 1964 and a ride through Futurama II reinforced my belief in the future of technology. I always liked the idea of how advances in technology would make […]

Decoy Wallets

How many credit card offers do you get in the mail? Well if you are like me you get a lot, especially if you own several domain names. Seems like all that personal info you attach to your domain name is fair game for credit card companies. But I thought they at least did a […]