Tag Archive for: military

How actress Hedy Lamarr’s WWII military invention was torpedoed by the US Navy

Pigeonholed into one-dimensional roles as a Hollywood sex object, actress Hedy Lamarr may initially come off as a squandered talent. When you hear about her never-used contribution to military technology, that becomes a sure thing. Born Hedwig Kiesler into …
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Congratulations, Your Genius Patent Is Now a Military Secret

The government is often content to stop other people from working on an idea, even if it has no interest in pursuing the invention on its own. There is a legal process to ask the government for compensation, but it takes years and almost never pays out.
invention – BingNews

Invisible cloaks, other inventions might help military, doctors – Cleburne Times-Review

Invisible cloaks, other inventions might help military, doctors
Cleburne Times-Review
The panel of engineering and physics experts displayed, described and activated an array of inventions that could apply to military operations, surgery, even a high school musical (if, for example, you wanted stagehands to be invisible as they moved

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