A Hungarian invention that helped the British in WWII

Tracing the early life of the humble ballpoint pen to its present. IMAGE: Modern folks would not even think of the ballpoint pen as an innovation. It seems to be an inexpensive writing instrument, not worth too much thought. Yet it had to fight for a life.
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Home improvement: 3 inventions every garage needs – WSYM-TV


Home improvement: 3 inventions every garage needs
Wear 29 tools on your wrist with this cool invention. Each of the stainless steel links has tools on it, like screwdrivers, wrenches and even a bottle opener. It's like a workbench hanging from your wrist. The links are fully customizable with options

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How the invention of paper changed the world

The Gutenberg printing press – invented in the 1440s by Johannes Gutenberg, a goldsmith from Mainz in Germany – is widely considered to be one of humanity’s defining inventions. Gutenberg figured out how to make large quantities of durable metal type and …
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The room that charges your gadgets using THIN AIR: Disney invention could power up to 320 mobile devices

It may be best known for its children’s films, but Disney is trying its hand at wireless charging technology. The firm is working on technology similar to Wi-Fi that can power upmobile devices without the need for wires. So far researchers have …
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Invention gives real-time flooding data

NORFOLK, Va. (WVEC) — Flooding is a headache for people who live in Norfolk, particularly for those who live near the Hague. Residents have seen several feet of water in some areas, and that water floods fast! But now an engineer tells 13News Now his new …
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10 historic inventions that revolutionized scene culture – Alternative Press

Alternative Press

10 historic inventions that revolutionized scene culture
Alternative Press
While photos from 10 years ago might look like ancient history now, who would have guessed we'd look back on the terrible haircuts and questionable fashion choices with any sense of nostalgia? Though we do miss the jelly bracelets and wide variety of …

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