Tag Archive for: History

Today in Apple history: iPhone is crowned 2007’s ‘invention of the year’

November 1, 2007: Six months after it was first shown off by Steve Jobs, the iPhone becomes Time magazine’s “best invention of the year.” The iPhone stands out from the rest of 2007’s gadget pack, which includes the Nikon Coolpix S51c digital …
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The ‘first truly American’ invention: Re-creating ancient weapons sheds new light on human history

KENT, OHIO – Metin Eren wasn’t satisfied just digging up ancient arrowheads to learn about the past. He wanted to use them for their intended purpose. But shooting and shattering priceless millennia-old tips is out of the question, so instead the …
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6 Brilliant Tesla Inventions That Never Got Built – History


6 Brilliant Tesla Inventions That Never Got Built
The invention? A military weapon that would accelerate mercury particles at 48 times the speed of sound inside a vacuum chamber and shoot a high-velocity beam “through the free air, of such tremendous energy that [it] will bring down a fleet of 10,000 …

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Cataloging Hammacher Schlemmer’s long history of great inventions – WGN-TV


Cataloging Hammacher Schlemmer's long history of great inventions
Hammacher Schlemmer has evolved with the times, stayed true to its identity and paved the way for some of the greatest inventions of our time. Alfred Hammacher and William Schlemmer were two hardworking Germans who opened the store in New York …

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The invention of breakfast cereal and other wacky church history

You need to know about Luke T. Harrington, a Missouri Synod Lutheran who like me lives in Oklahoma. He writes, among other places, at Christ and Pop Culture. He has a series D-List Saints on “the many less-than-impressive moments in Christian history.”
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When Edison Got His First Patent And Napster Lunched: This Week In Tech History

Edison wrote in his patent application: “The object of my invention is to produce an apparatus which records and registers in an instant—and with great accuracy—the votes of legislative bodies, thus avoiding loss of valuable time consumed in counting …
invention – BingNews