Tag Archive for: Fashion

Style icon André Leon Talley on navigating the fashion world: “My armor is my self-invention”

Style and fashion are much more than just how a person chooses to dress or the other ways they adorn themselves. They expressions of the self that tell us a great deal about society and how various gr…
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Have a fashion invention? Enter to pitch the ‘Shark Tank’ of fashion designers

Do you have a fun or interesting fashion invention or know someone who does? The judges from “Project Runway: Fashion Start Up” will be featured in a segment on October 26. Think “Shark Tank,” but for fashion designers! We’re going to feature a few …
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The Invention That Spawned a Fashion Revolution

The Singer sewing machine was so revolutionary that even Mahatma Gandhi, who eschewed all other machines, made an exception for it. After learning to sew on a Singer in a British jail, Gandhi called it “one of the few useful things ever invented.”
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