Tag Archive for: disease

A Simple Invention Could Change How Fast Disease Is Detected

In the rural parts of Uganda, lab technicians spend hours each day on thankless and seemingly unceasing work. The most common tests they run are for malaria. A technician smears a blood sample on a …
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This credit card-sized invention might help India battle its heart disease epidemic

In 2012, Neha Rastogi’s father-in-law started experiencing intermittent chest pains. Doctors detected blockages in three of his arteries; he had been on the brink of a heart attack. Rastogi’s in-law was put on medications to unclog his blood vessels, but …
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This Groundbreaking Invention Could Diagnose Disease For Pennies

These paper centrifuges are doubly cool. They help diagnose disease cheaply in remote communities, plus they spin at 125,000 RPM – the fastest-spinning human-powered device!
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New invention aids detection of prevalent parasitic disease

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have invented a device that can detect very small quantities of the parasite eggs that cause schistosomiasis in humans which are currently difficult to detect. Schistosomiasis is second only to malaria …
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